Lesson No: 3 Unit Title: Variation and Classification                                               Unit No: 7D

     Lesson 2Lesson 4Lesson 5

     Lesson Title: It’s your Inheritance                                                                           NC Ref:



MK —surroundings of an organism are its environment; factors in an environment can cause variation; some features are inherited from parents; eye colour, skin colour as examples of inherited variation. Words: environment, environmental factor, environmental variation, inherit, inherited variation.

SK examples of environmental variation; most variation is a combination of inherited and environmental factors.

CK some behaviour is instinctive and some is learned; some learned behaviour has been taught. Words: instinctive behaviour, learned behaviour


     Lesson outline:                                                                                                         Timing:

Starter:         Aim of the lesson is to investigate the causes of Variation refer back to previous lessons.

Display a selection of different sorts of apple. Pupils to think about why the apples look different




1. Selection of family photographs—pupils to match children to parents. Worksheet 7Db/5

Discuss these as inherited variation. What else might cause variation?

Lead into environmental factors.




Leaves from shady and well lit areas of the same plant/tree.  e.g. nettles, brambles,

Pupils observe and record the differences between them.

They could work out the surface area using squared paper.

Discuss the results and the reasons why.

Discuss other examples of environmental factors and variation




Sc1 opportunity "Does adding fertiliser to pond water make the algae grow better?"

Use W/sheet 7Db/1 or 7Db/2

Qualitative results can be obtained by determining which beakers are more "cloudy"; quantitative can be obtained with a light meter (ICT opportunity) or a piece of paper/card with different intensities of shading or with a X on the bottom of a measuring cylinder with the water poured in until the X can no longer be seen


Plenary:        Recap causes of variation




Worksheet 7Db/3 or Worksheet7Db/4

Extension 7Db/6





Worksheets 7Db/3, 7Db/4, 7

Db/5, 7Db/6



Family photographs




Leaves from shady and well

lit areas of same plant,


copper beech, bramble

Squared paper





Risk Assessment:



Wash hands after handling leaves and especially after handling cultures. Beware of Leptospira contamination of pond water which causes Weil's disease. Take care with nettles/brambles.