Lesson No: 6 Unit Title: Variation and Classification                                                    Unit No:7D
      Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5

      Lesson Title: Classified Information                                                                             NC Ref:




MK —that there are two main kingdoms; animals and plants; animal kingdom contains the vertebrates; there are five groups of vertebrates; vertebrates are distinguished primarily by skin covering; other features of mammals and birds. Words — vertebrate, amphibian, bird, reptile, fish, mammal.

SK — the main features used to distinguish between all vertebrate groups.

CK — cold-blooded and warm-blooded; the basics of thermoregulation; the five kingdom model. Words — cold-blooded, warm-blooded, ectotherm, endotherm


    Lesson outline:                                                                                                        

Starter:      Discuss classification , the need for an agreed classification system and the simple history of classification.

(use Expl Sci page 52). Explain how the system has changed as more discoveries have been made.



1. Introduce the two main kingdoms- Animals and Plants.

Explain that animals include the vertebrate group and the invertebrate group. Recall meanings

Demonstrate different vertebrate skeletons; show the similarities and differences.

Point out that vertebrates have a full internal skeleton, not just a backbone!!


2. How can we group and identify the different vertebrates? Pupils could make drawings of different types of vertebrates from specimens, models or photographs. Pictures from W/sheet 7Dc/1 could be used.  On each drawing they need to label the various features that allow it to be classified into one of the vertebrate groups. This activity could involve making posters.


3. Worksheet 7Dc/1 sort the animals into sets. The sets can then be subdivided into smaller and smaller groupings ending up with small groups of animals that share the same features. Sets can be displayed as branching diagrams

 Discuss the criteria they chose and lead into the correct factual information on the five vertebrate groups

Amphibians - have moist skin, lay jelly coated eggs in water

Reptiles - have dry scales, lay leathery shelled eggs

Birds - have feathers, lay hard shelled eggs

Fish - have wet scales, lay eggs in water

Mammals - have hair, give birth to live young, produce milk

Could develop this further to produce posters, pupils could collect photos etc.



Plenary:     Recap classification - two kingdoms, vertebrates and their characteristics





Worksheet 7Dd/3 or 7Dd/4

Collect photos for poster etc

Research invertebrates for next lesson



Worksheet 7Dc/1, 7Dd/3, 7Dd/4

Vertebrate skeletons

Expl Sci 7 books


Risk Assessment:
