AS Module 2 Mechanics and kinetic Theory

Physical quantities and units

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Scalars and vectors: The addition and subtraction of vectors by calculation or scale drawing; calculations limited to two perpendicular vectors. The resolution of vectors into two components at right angles to each other.
11.1.2 Conditions for equilibrium for two or three coplanar forces acting at a point: Problems may be solved either by using resolved forces or by using a closed triangle
11.1.3 Turning effects: Moment of a force.  Moment=Fs. Couple, torque.  couple=Fs. The principle of moments and its applications in simple balanced situations e.g. see–saw. The centre of mass; calculations of the position of centre of mass of a regular lamina are not expected.
11.1.4 Displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration:  v=Ds/Dt  a=Dv/Dt


Uniform and non-uniform acceleration, representation and interpretation by graphical methods: Interpretation of velocity-time and displacement-time graphs for motion with non-uniform acceleration and uniform acceleration; significance of areas and gradients Equations for uniform acceleration at u = v +at   s =1/2(u+v)t  s=ut+1/2at2    v2=u2 + 2as.  Acceleration due to gravity g, terminal speed; detailed experimental methods of measuring g are not required
equations of motions and projectiles
Independence of vertical and horizontal motion. Calculations involving projectile equations will not be set


Momentum, conservation of linear momentum Recall and use of p = mv   Conservation. calculations for elastic and inelastic collisions limited to one dimension.   Candidates should have experience of analysing motion using datalogging techniques involving data capture with appropriate sensors e.g. light gates.   Candidates will require understanding of the application of the principles of the conservation of linear momentum e.g. space vehicles
11.1.8 Newton’s laws of motion Candidates are expected to know and to be able to apply the three laws in appropriate situations Force as the rate of change of momentum

F= D(mv)/Dt.  For constant mass: F = ma

11.1.9 Work, energy, power: W=Fscosq   P=DW/Dt  P=Fv
11.1.10 Conservation of energy Application of the principle of the conservation of energy to determine whether a collision is elastic or inelastic. Application of the conservation of energy to examples involving gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy Recall and use of DEp = mgDh and Ek = 1/2 mv2

Calculations involving change of energy , DQ=mcDq where c is specific heat capacity.  DQ =ml, where l is specific latent heat

Molecular kinetic theory model

11.2.1 The equation of state for an ideal gas Recall and use of  pV = nRT
11.2.2 The molar gas constant R, The Avogadro constant NA Concept of absolute zero of temperature T proportional to average kinetic energy of molecules for an ideal gas
11.2.3 Pressure of an ideal gas: Assumptions leading to and derivation of pV = 1/3Nmc2

round up questions

Internal energy : Relation between temperature and molecular kinetic energy. The Boltzmann constant:  Random distribution of energy amongst particles in a body Thermal equilibrium

1/2 mc2 = 3/2 kT = 3RT / 2NA

Some gas law questions - with worked answers

Module 2 Glossary - interactive version