Lesson Title:  pH testing,Lesson No: 4,Unit Title: Acids and alkalis
,Unit No:7e ,NC Ref:

pH tells us how acidic/alkaline something is.
Universal indicator is a mixture of many indicators and gives a range of colours
pH 7 is neutral, above is alkaline, below is acidic
Diluting the acid or alkali will affect the pH
,Lesson outline:

Review that indicators tell us if something is acidic or 
alkali.  Some acids are more acidic than others.  Use the
pH scale.  Exp Sci p62 copy chart
Pupils test a selection of solutions around the lab for the 
colour chart value (pH).  Sheet 7Ed/1 instead of name of
substance put the letter and they have to find the full range
More about indicators.  Sheet 7Ed/4 and 7Ed/5
Plenary: Colour card quiz - selection of coloured cards
given to pupils and they hold up the correct colour to 
answer questions