7La/1 Know your planet

7La/1 Know your planet


Name _____________________________   Class ____________


1       Fill in the missing words using words from the box.


28      Earth      heat      light      orbits      satellite


         The planet we live on is called the ____________________.


         It gets its  ____________________ and  ____________________ from the Sun. The Moon is


         the Earth's natural ____________________ . It  ____________________ the Earth once


         every ____________________ days.


2       Look at the diagram and fill in the labels. Write the numbers of the correct sentence in boxes
a to e.




1       On this side it is night time.

2       The Earth is a sphere.

3       On this side it is daytime.

4       Sunlight.

5       The Earth's axis.



3       Fill in the correct answers. The answers you need are in the box.


365 days      1 year      365.25 days      4 years      Sun      24 hours


a        The Earth year has ____________________ .


b        We have a leap year every ____________________ .


c        The Earth moves around the ____________________ .


d        The calendar year has ____________________ .


e        The Earth goes around the Sun in ____________________ .


f        The Earth does one complete spin every ____________________ .


[ knowledge, literacy ]

© Pearson Education Limited 2002 - copyright acknowledged

7La/2 Telling the time with shadows

7La/2 Telling the time with shadows


This diagram shows where the Sun would be at different times of day if you were looking south. At 4 p.m. the stick would cast a shadow like the one in the diagram.



1       What time of day would it be if the stick made shadows like these?



2       Draw the stick and its shadow for these times:

a        8 am                               b       2 pm.

3       Explain why the Sun appears to move across the sky each day. Draw a diagram to help you to explain.

4       a        What are the advantages of using a sundial to tell the time?

b        What are the disadvantages?


[ knowledge, considering ]

© Pearson Education Limited 2002 - copyright acknowledged