Level 5



         In the circuit above, both the bulbs light up.  Suddenly they both go out.


         The two bulbs are tested.  Bulb A works but bulb B is broken.

(a)     Bulb A was not broken but it went out.  Why did it go out?

1 mark


         In the circuit below, only bulb B is broken.


(b)     (i)      Does bulb A light up?

         Tick the correct box.

         Yes                No    

1 mark


(ii)     Does bulb C light up?

Tick the correct box.

         Yes                No    

1 mark



10.    The footballer is just going to kick the ball.

(a)     When his boot hits the ball, how does the shape of the ball change?

1 mark


         After he has kicked it the ball flies off high into the air.


(b)     Tick boxes to describe the shape and movement of the ball after he has kicked it and it is high in the air.  

  the same as in the picture different from the picture
The shape of the ball is
The movement of the ball is

2 marks

11.    The Sun appears to move across the sky each day.

         The drawing shows the position of the Sun at midday on the 21st March.


(a)     (i)      Draw the path which the Sun appears to take from sunrise to sunset on the 21st March. Label the path ‘March’.

1 mark

(ii)     Put an arrow on the line you have drawn to show the direction in which the Sun appears to move across the sky.

1 mark


(b)     Draw another line to show the path which the Sun appears to take from sunrise to sunset in December. Label the path ‘December’.

2 marks



12.    David lives in Britain.  He sees that the Sun seems to move across the sky.

(a)     Where does the Sun rise in the morning? 
Tick the correct box.

in the north                       in the south    

in the west                        in the east      

1 mark


(b)     (i)      At what time of day is the Sun highest in the sky?

1 mark


(ii)     In which direction will David see the Sun when it is highest in the sky?
Tick the correct box.

towards the north              towards the south   

towards the west              towards the east     

1 mark


(c)     Where does the Sun set in the evening? 
Tick the correct box.

in the north                       in the south    

in the west                        in the east      

1 mark


(d)     Explain why the Sun seems to move across the sky.

1 mark


(e)     Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes to get to the Earth.

         How long does light from other stars take to get to the Earth?
Tick the correct box.

more than 8 minutes        

8 minutes                          

less than 8 minutes            

zero minutes                    

1 mark



13.    The diagram shows the Earth in orbit around the Sun.


(a)     (i)      Give the name of one planet in the Solar System which is closer to the
Sun than the Earth is.

1 mark

(ii)     Give the name of one planet in the Solar System which is further away
from the Sun than the Earth is.

1 mark


(b)     Nighttime is when Britain is in the Earth's shadow. Daytime is when Britain is in sunlight. Explain why Britain has both day and night.

1 mark


(c)     (i)      On the diagram, draw the position of the Earth nine months later than shown.

1 mark

(ii)     Explain why you have drawn the Earth in this position.

1 mark



14.    The diagram shows a circuit for controlling an electric motor.

This circuit can make the motor turn forwards or backwards.


         Complete the table to show which lamp, if any, is lit and in which direction, if any, the motor turns.

The first row has been done for you.  

switch A switch B Which lamp, if any, is lit? In which direction, if any, does the motor turn?
up down lamp 1 forwards
up up
down up
down down

4 marks