Answers: Level8

32.     (a)     (i)      1500 m/s or 1.5 km/s                unit required for the mark                        1
                                               accept ‘2000 × 0.75 m/s’


(ii)     0.165 m or 16.5 cm                  unit required for the mark                        1
or 165 mm                               accept ‘330
¸ 2000 m’

(iii)     shorter or less                          accept ‘lower or ‘smaller’                        1


(b)     4 m/s or 400 cm/s                              unit required for the mark                        1

accept ‘5 × 0.8 m/s’ or ‘5 × 80 cm/s’




33.                                              greater          less            same

(a)     length of year                                                                                                  1

length of day                                                                                                   1

radius of the planet                                                                                          1

if more than one box is ticked in any row award no mark for that row


(b)     1100 N                                              accept ‘100 × 11 N’                                 1


(c)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   no winter and summer seasons       accept ‘temperature the same all year’
or no seasonal variation                 or  ‘no seasons’

·   days and nights always the
same length

·   Sun always directly above              accept ‘Sun always follows the same
equator                                         path across the sky’




34.     (a)     (i)      it moves across the pattern        accept 'she can see it moving' or 'it           1
of stars or the sky                    appears to move' or 'it moves quickly'

do not accept 'it moves'


(ii)     it remains above a fixed            accept 'it stays in the same                       1
point on the Earth's surface       place in the sky'
it does not appear to             or 'it can always be seen'
move across the sky                 do not accept 'it does not move'


(b)     (i)      no atmosphere or air                 accept ‘no clouds' or 'no light pollution'  1
pollution to distort the image


(ii)     any one from                                                                                            1

·   difficult or expensive to get to for repairs or adjustments

·   pictures have to be sent back to the Earth

·   expensive to make or launch


(c)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   biceps and triceps                          both muscles are required for the mark

·   quadriceps femoris and                  accept 'quads and biceps'
biceps femoris




35.     (a)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   the permanent magnet attracts       accept 'the magnet or magnetic
the iron plate                                 field holds it’

·   you cannot overcome the magnet   accept 'the permanent magnet is still
                                                    working' or' the magnet is too strong'


(b)     the field of the electromagnet              accept 'the electromagnet acts against     1
opposes or cancels the field of the      the magnet'
permanent magnet

do not accept ‘force holding door to plate is stopped’
or 'electromagnet repels plate' or 'magnetic field is
switched off’


(c)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   the permanent magnet still              accept 'the permanent magnet will not be
attracts the iron plate                     affected by this'
holds the door

·   the electromagnet cannot cancel     accept 'the electromagnet cannot
oppose the magnetic field          be turned on'

·   the door cannot open unless           accept 'the door can only open when
there is a current                           electricity or power is on'


(d)     the field of the electromagnet              accept 'the electromagnet reinforces        1
reinforces the field of the                    the magnet' or 'the electromagnet also
permanent magnet                              pulls the iron plate'

do not accept 'poles now the wrong way round' or 'poles are now the same way round’


 (e)    one mark is for the explanation that current causes the electromagnet to work; the other mark is for the repercussions of a current failure


         any one from                                                                                                     1

·   the electromagnet will hold the       accept 'it only works when the magnet is
door shut only when there is           switched on’


·   if there is no current, the
magnetic field stops

·   it will be possible to open the          do not accept 'it is not as safe or secure’  1
door in a power failure or by cutting
the wire or if the battery is flat




36.     (a)     (i)      it decreases                              accept 'it is fast at the beginning and       1
                                               then slows down'

accept 'it is constant at first and then decreases'

do not accept 'it increases at first and then decreases'


(ii)     it decreases                                                                                              1


(b)     units are required for each of the calculation mark


·   maximum possible acceleration       accept '4000 ÷ 1000 = 4 m/s2                 1
is 4 m/s
2 or 4 m s–2

·   average acceleration is 4 m/s2          accept '24 ¸ 6 = 4 m/s2'                            1
4 m s–2

·   average acceleration will be less                                                                     1
than the maximum due to friction
due to the mass of the driver



·   maximum possible acceleration       accept '4000 ÷ 1000 = 4 m/s2                 1
= 4 m/s
2 or 4 m s–2

·   maximum speed after 6 s is            accept ‘4 × 6 = 24 m/s’                                     1
24 m/s or 24 m s

·   actual speed will be less than this                                                                    1
due to friction or due to the
mass of the driver



·   maximum possible acceleration       accept '4000 ÷ 1000 = 4 m/s2                 1
= 4 m/s
2 or 4 m s–2

·   minimum time to reach                   accept '24 ÷ 4 = 6 s’                                1
24 m/s is 6 s

·   actual time will be more than                                                                          1
this due to friction or due to the
mass of the driver



·   average acceleration is 4 m/s2        accept '24 ÷ 6 = 4 m/s2                           1
4 m s

·   average force is 4000 N                 accept '4 × 1 000 = 4000 N’                    1

·   force from the engine must be                                                                        1
more than this to overcome friction




37.     (a)     (i)      A                                                                                                             1

(ii)     D                                                                                                             1


(b)     (i)      any one from                                                                                            1

·   electrons are rubbed             accept ‘negative charges are rubbed
off the cloth                         off the cloth’

·   electrons are transferred      do not accept ‘charge is rubbed
from the cloth to the             off the cloth’

do not accept ‘charge is transferred from the cloth to the sulphur’


(ii)     any one from                                                                                            1

·   the charges repel each         accept ‘the charges repel each other’
other to the edge of the circle

·   the charges flow to the         do not accept ‘the charges flow
edge of the circle where       to the edge of the circle’ or  
the sulphur is a insulator       ‘it becomes conducting’




38.     (a)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   sections become longer

·   more spread out

·   broader                                         accept ‘pattern further apart’

do not accept ‘becomes blurred’


(b)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   wider areas

·   areas overlap or have blurred edges

·   less strongly magnetised areas        accept ‘weaker magnetic field’

do not accept ‘it will be weaker’

accept ‘you would need more tape to get a sharp pattern’ or more tape would have to be used’




39.     both the time and the explanation are required for the mark

(a)     a time between 3.30 pm and 6.00 pm       accept any time between                      1
or later afternoon or sunset or dusk         15.30 and 18.00 hours

         because Britain is moving from the           accept as explanations 'because Britain
day side of the world to the night side       is going from day to night or from light
                                                              into darkness'

or 'because it is nearly nighttime' or 'because the Sun is in the West'
accept 'because it is sunset or dusk' as an explanation provided that it is not also given as the time.


(b)     (i)      Britain is in the same                 do not accept 'Britain is in the same         1
position in both diagrams           position relative to the Sun or to the
                                               sunlight' or 'from the position of Britain'


(ii)     it is dusk in one position             accept 'it is morning in one diagram        1
and dawn in the other                and evening in the other' or 'the Sun is
                                               shining from different sides'

accept ‘in position A it is dawn' or any time between 3.30 am and 6.00 am

do not accept a restatement that it is dusk in position B

do not accept'it is light in one position and dark in the other' or 'Britain is spinning towards the Sun in A and away from it in B'


(iii)     0.997 days                                the unit is required for the mark              1

accept more decimal places
accept '182.5 × 24
¸ 183 hours'
accept '23.9 hours' or '23 hours 56 minutes'


(c)        (i)         the time for the Moon to            accept 'it turns on its axis once            1
rotate on its axis is equal to        during a complete orbit of the Earth'
the period of its orbit



40.     (a)                                                                                                                               1



either the dashed construction lines       or the dotted lines ....... must be drawn

accept a combination of construction lines and arcs of circles, drawn with a compass, which enable the image to be located correctly
construction lines may be dotted, dashed or continuous


accept a dot instead of the letter I to indicate the position of the image

award no mark if construction lines are not drawn or if the position of the image is not very close to the correct position


(b)     (i)      it is in the same place                accept 'it does not'                                    1

(ii)     it is closer to the mirror             accept 'closer to the eye' or 'it is closer'    1


(c)                                                                                                                              1


construction lines may be dotted, dashed or continuous


accept a dot instead of the letter I to indicate the position of the image award no mark if construction lines are
not drawn or if the position of the image is not very close to the correct position above the fish


(d)     below the apparent position of             accept 'below the image' or ‘lower in the 1
the fish                                              water' or ‘below where they see the fish'

accept ‘in front of the image'

do not accept 'below the fish'




41.     (a)     any one from

·   the current flows in opposite           do not accept 'the currents in A and B      1
directions so there is no                  cancel out so there is no field'
magnetic field                                or 'the coils are wound in opposite

·   because the two magnetic fields     do not accept 'they cancel out'
or forces cancel out


(b)                                                              answers may be in any order

         there is no current in coil A                 accept 'there is current in coil B only'      1
                                                         or 'the currents in the coils are different'
                                                         or 'coil A will lose its magnetic field'

do not accept 'there is current in coil B'

         the magnetic fields no longer cancel    accept 'the iron core becomes                  1
                                                         magnetised' or 'the magnetic fields
                                                         are different'

         the armature will be attracted                                                                              1
or pulled towards the core
