Answers: Level4


if more than one box is ticked in any row award no mark for that row






6.       (a)     the first mark is for a continuous straight line from the rim of the lamp                   1
to the key  the line must reach the key

         the second mark is for the arrow on the line                                                         1
the arrow must point away from the lamp


         the mark is for a straight line from the key to the patch of light
the line must both touch the key and reach the patch of light

do not accept broken lines

accept the reflected ray drawn from any part of the key irrespective of the first ray
the reflected ray need not have an arrow


(b)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   light cannot bend around the mug    accept ‘light travels in straight lines’

·   light cannot go through the mug      accept ‘the mug is opaque’
                                                    or  ‘the mug is in the way of the light’

do not accept ‘light reflects off the mug’




7.       (a)    


the first mark is for an arrow pointing
to the right, with or without the label A
the arrow may be separate from, but
parallel to, the rope
accept an arrow placed on the second drawing provided it is labelled A



the second mark is for an arrow pointing vertically downwards, with or without the label B



(b)     any two from

·   air resistance or wind resistance    accept ‘wind'                                            2

·   friction or water resistance

·   upthrust                                        accept 'buoyancy'

·   lift

accept ‘drag' as an alternative to wind resistance or water resistance, but not both

accept ‘weight of the skis'

do not accept ‘weight' or ‘gravity' or water pressure' or ‘resistance'



the mark is for an arrow pointing to the left, with or without the label C the arrow may be separate from, but parallel to, the rope

accept an arrow placed on the first drawing provided it is labelled C




(d)     any one from

·   it increases it                                 accept ‘makes it accelerate'                     1

·   it speeds it up

·   it makes it go faster                       accept ‘faster'
                                                    do not accept ‘it changes it'





8.       (a)     any one from                                     accept ‘there is no circuit'                        1

·   the circuit is not complete

·   a wire is missing

·   two of the bulbs are not                 accept ‘the bulbs are not connected'
connected                                     do not accept ‘the switch might be broken'
                                                    or 'there is a loose connection'


(b)     another cell or battery                         accept ‘put the bulbs in parallel'              1
                                                         or 'make a parallel circuit'
                                                         or ‘use new batteries'
                                                         do not accept ‘use stronger batteries'


(c)     Each bulb is the same brightness.       if more than one box is ticked,               1
                                                           award no mark


(d)     (i)      they go out                               accept ‘they stop working'                       1
                                               do not accept ‘they get dimmer'

(ii)     any one from                                                                                            1

·   they stay on or stay the        accept ‘they get brighter'

·   they do not go out                accept ‘only the broken bulb goes out'

·   nothing



a letter S drawn onto or close to the wire in the top part of the circuit anywhere between the two junctions

accept an open switch symbol drawn onto the diagram
do not accept a letter S drawn midway between the top two wires or at a junction between the top two wires as shown below

