7.     An iron block is near some steel paper clips. The paper clips do not stick to the iron block.

         A pupil puts a magnet on top of the iron block. The paper clips stick to the iron block and to each other.


(a)      What are the magnetic poles at points A and B in the diagram?
Put one tick in each row in the table.  

  north pole  south pole no magnetic pole
point A

point B

                                                                                                                2 marks


(b)      (i)       The sentences below are about the force which the magnet exerts on the iron block.

         Tick the box by the one correct sentence.

The magnet attracts the iron block.                             

The magnet repels the iron block.                               

There is no magnetic force on the iron block.               

1 mark

(ii)      The sentences below are about the force which the magnetised iron block exerts on the magnet.

         Tick the box by the one correct sentence.

The iron block attracts the magnet.                             

The iron block repels the magnet.                               

There is no magnetic force on the magnet.                  

1 mark

8.      (a)      Some of the statements in the list describe forces, and some do not.

         Tick the boxes by the three forces.

the movement of a car travelling along a road                         

the push of a jet engine on an aeroplane.                              

the flow of electricity through a light bulb.                              

the weight of a book on a table.                                            

the pull of a horse pulling a cart.                                             

the speed of a hockey ball flying through the air.                    

3 marks

(b)      A girl throws a ball. The diagram shows the path of the ball after she has thrown it.

         How can you tell from the path of the ball that there is a force acting on the ball?  





.   1 mark


(c)       The drawing shows a trolley rolling along a table from A to B.
Then another force acts on the trolley. This is shown by the arrow on the drawing.


         What effect does this force have       Tick the correct box.

It makes the trolley go faster.                                     

It makes the trolley go slower.                                    

It makes the trolley change direction.                            

It has no effect.                                                         

1 mark

9.    (a)           Aisha drops a stone into a pond.  She hears the sound and she watches ripples spreading out

                     across the pond.

               Sound, ripples on water, and light travel at different speeds.

 (i)      Which travels fastest:  sound or ripples on water or light?

.                                              1 mark

(ii)      Which travels most slowly:  sound or ripples on water or light?

.                                              1 mark

(b)      Which sentence about sound is correct?
Tick the correct box.

Sound cannot travel through air.                        

Sound cannot travel through stone.                    

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum.                

Sound cannot travel through water.                                                                                                       1 mark


10.     A pupil does four experiments with bar magnets and small, unmagnetised iron bars.
She places them as shown below.  For each experiment, tick one box to show the effect of the magnetic force between the two objects.


4 marks



         In the circuit above, both the bulbs light up.  Suddenly they both go out.

         The two bulbs are tested.  Bulb A works but bulb B is broken.

(a)      Bulb A was not broken but it went out.  Why did it go out?

                                         1 mark

         In the circuit below, only bulb B is broken.

(b)      (i)       Does bulb A light up?

         Tick the correct box.

         Yes                 No     

1 mark

(ii)      Does bulb C light up?

Tick the correct box.

         Yes                 No                                                                                             

1 mark