Answers to KS3 level 6 questions

19.     (a)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   oil                                                 accept ‘petrol

·   gas

·   uranium or nuclear

accept ‘geothermal’ or ‘peat’

do not accept ‘fossil fuel’ or ‘coal’

(b)     can be grown                                     accept ‘can be replaced’                          1
more trees can be planted              do not accept ‘can be used again’
‘can be recycled’

(c)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   wind

·   wave                                            do not  accept ‘water’

·   tidal

·   solar                                             accept ‘the Sun’ or ‘sunlight’

·   biomass or a stated biomass,
such as straw

accept ‘alcohol’

do not accept ‘wood’

accept ‘hydroelectric’

accept ‘geothermal’ unless used as the answer to (a)

do not accept ‘nuclear’

(d)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   thermal                                         accept ‘heat’

 ·  radiant

 ·  light



20.     (a)     (i)      While the book was falling,        ie a Ö  in the second box down                 1
its potential energy was             if more than one box is ticked award no
being transformed into               mark
kinetic energy.

(ii)     7.5 or just under 7.5                                                                                  1

(b)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   transferred to the surroundings       accept ‘goes into the floor or atmosphere’
spread out into the surroundings


·   turned to thermal energy                accept ‘sound’

do not accept ‘light’

do not accept ‘it has changed’




if more than one box is ticked in any row award no mark for that row



22.     (a)     larger force on more massive pieces    accept ‘bigger force on bigger pieces’    1
smaller force on less massive          or ‘smaller force on little pieces’

(b)     it increased                                        accept ‘pulled more’ or ‘got stronger’     1

or ‘got bigger’
‘got greater’

(c)     there was an attractive force            if more than one box is ticked award       1

no mark

(d)     all parts of the comet were pulled        ie a    in the second box down;               1
towards Jupiter, but the side facing      if more than one box is ticked award
towards the planet was pulled             no mark
more strongly 

         an attractive force                           if more than one box is ticked award       1

no mark



23.     (a)     there is current in the coil                    accept ‘a current flows’ or ‘electricity     1

flows’ or ’circuit completed’

         it becomes an electromagnet                                                                               1
iron core becomes magnetised

         iron bolt is attracted to the                   accept ‘iron core’ or ‘magnet’ for            1
electromagnet                                    electromagnet

(b)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   the current stops                            do not accept ‘electricity switched off’
                                                    or ‘circuit breaks’

·   there is no more magnetism

·   bolt pushed back by spring



24.     (a)     (i)      C                                          if more than one box is ticked,                 1
                                               award no mark

(ii)     B                                          if more than one box is ticked,                 1
                                               award no mark

(iii)     D                                          if more than one box is ticked,                 1
                                               award no mark

(b)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   the brakes or wheels or tyres

·   the surroundings

·   the air

·   the ground

accept ‘lost as heat’ or ‘soles of shoes’

do not accept ‘the bike’ or ‘the cyclist’



25.     (a)     (i)      any one from                                                                                            1

·   because the ball is positive    accept ‘it has the same charge’

·   because it is positive             do not accept ‘it is repelled’
or ‘positive only attracts negative’

·   like charges repel

(ii)     a reference to both types of charge should be made or implied

         positive charge is attracted        accept ‘the ball is positive so is                1
to negative charge or                attracted by the negative’ or ‘negatives
opposite charges attract            attract positives’ or ‘opposites attract’

(b)     the ball becomes negatively charged    accept ‘the ball loses its positive and       1
                                                         becomes negative’ or ‘its charge changes’

         any one from                                                                                                     1

·   negative charges repel each other

·   it is attracted to the positive plate

·   it is repelled

accept ‘the ball and plate neutralise each other and the ball falls away’ for both marks

(c)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   charge cannot flow away

·   copper would let the charge flow away

accept ‘it stops the charge from going’ or ‘it keeps the charge on  the ball’

accept ‘electricity cannot flow away’

do not accept ‘current cannot flow’

do  not accept ‘insulators do not conduct’



26.     (a)     like charges repel                               accept ‘the positive charges would repel 1
or unlike charges attract                     each other' or ‘the negative charges
                                                         would repel each other' or ‘positive
                                                         and negative charges attract'

(b)     (i)      award no mark unless both positive and negative charges are drawn

the first mark is for drawing the majority, six or more, of the –ve charges on the right hand side

the second mark is for drawing at least ten +ve charges distributed uniformly

accept the +ve charges concentrated on the left hand side i.e. accept the following for both marks
it does not matter how many +ve or -ve signs are drawn


(ii)     the answer must refer to the forces on the charges and not merely describe how they move

         the negative charges are           accept ‘like charges repel' or ‘negative   1
repelled                                    charges are forced away from each

accept ‘the positive charges are attracted and the negative charges are repelled'

do not accept ‘the positive charges are attracted'

do not accept ‘negative charges go away from each other' or ‘the positive charges
do not move'

(c)     the positive charge or the end             accept ‘the negative charge or the           1
which is attracted is closer to the         end which is repelled is further from
negatively charged object                    the object'



27.     (a)     (i)      oxygen ® carbon dioxide + water                                                              1

all three substances are required for the mark the products may be in either order

(b)     (i)      200                                                                                                           1

(ii)     any one from                                                                                            1

·   for growth

·   for producing meat

·   for storage

·   for making fat

accept 'for active transport' or ‘for keeping internal organs running' or ‘for metabolism'
do not
accept ‘for keeping the hen warm’
or 'for breathing'

(c)     keep the hens warm                           accept ‘keep them inside ‘or ‘keep           1

                                                                  them cooped up ‘or ‘stop them moving’
                                                                  or ‘keep them in deep litter'
                                                                  or ‘keep them all together'

(d)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   more energy is available                 accept ‘get more eggs’ or ‘get bigger eggs'
for producing eggs

·   more energy is available                 accept ‘get more meat’ or ‘get bigger hens'
for growth

·   the hens do not have to be              accept ‘they can use smaller buildings
fed so much                                  for the same number of hens'
