Answers to KS3 level 5 questions

12.     (a)     C                                                      if more than one box is ticked,                 1
                                                         award no mark

(b)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   the puppet stops the light                accept ‘light does not bend round the

·   the light cannot go through the puppet

·   light travels in straight lines

·   the light cannot go round the puppet

do not accept a straight line drawn from the light to point C unless referred to as part of the explanation

(c)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   it is very fast

·   it is very high                                 accept ‘it is fast or high’

do not accept ‘faster than sound’



13.     (a)     rises or increase                                accept ‘goes up’ or ‘gets hot’                  1
or ‘gets warmer’

(b)     by thermal transfer                                                                                             1

         by light                                              answers may be in either order                1

accept ‘heat’ or ‘heating the air’ or ‘conduction’ or ‘convection’ or ‘by air molecules

accept ‘conduction and convection’ for both marks

accept ‘radiation’ or ‘infra red’

(c)     (i)      oxygen                                     accept ‘O2                                               1

do not accept ‘O’

(ii)     answers should give a reasonable way of providing an inert
atmosphere in the bulb

         any one from                                                                                            1

·   no oxygen inside bulb

·   inert or noble or named noble gas inside bulb

accept ‘vacuum or no air inside bulb’

accept ‘nitrogen or carbon dioxide inside bulb’

do not accept ‘air tight’



14.     (a)     one mark is for moving a magnet so that one end of magnet A is                 1
close to one end of magnet B

         a second mark is for concluding, from the attraction or repulsion,                1
which pole of magnet B is next to the known pole of magnet A

         the third mark is for deducing or showing which pole is at the other            1
end of B


·   bring one end of B next to the S pole of A

·   unlike poles attract

·   if it attracts it is the N pole or  will be repelled by the S pole of A

·  so the other end is the S pole or will be repelled by the S pole of A

accept a similar line of argument in which the end of B is brought next to the north pole of A




·   bring one end of B next to the S pole of A

·   if it repels it is the S pole or  like poles repel

·   so the other end is the N pole or will be attracted by the S pole of A

accept a similar line of argument in which the end of B is brought next to the north pole of A



·   put the magnets side by side

·   if they repel or skid along each other, the N poles are next to each other

·   and the S poles are next to each other

accept  a similar line of argument in which the two magnets attract

accept for two marks ‘hang A on a thread: North is where the N pole of A points.  Hang B on a thread; the end pointing North is the N pole.  The other end is the S pole’


(b)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   away from the wall

·   to the left

·   backwards

(c)     slow it down or reduce it                    accept ‘it will stop it’                                1
or make it less



15.     (a)     as chemical energy                          if more than one box is ticked,                 1
                                                          award no mark

(b)     by electricity                                   if more than one box is ticked,                 1
                                                         award no mark

 (c)    (i)      light                                                                                                          1

(ii)     thermal transfer                        do not accept ‘heat’                                 1

(d)     potential energy                                  accept ‘gravitational potential energy’    1
‘gravitational energy’ or ‘the same
                                                         amount as the girl has given it’




16.     (a)     coal                                                if more than two boxes are ticked,           1

         natural gas                                      deduct one mark for each incorrectly      1

ticked box minimum mark zero

(b)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   soot or carbon

·   ash

·   smoke

·   sulphur dioxide                              accept ‘sulphur’

·   carbon monoxide

·   oxides of nitrogen                          accept ‘nitrogen oxide’

accept ‘carbon dioxide

accept ‘acid rain’

do not accept ‘greenhouse gases’ or ‘water’ or ‘gas’

(c)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   geothermal

·   wind

·   solar                                             accept ‘Sun’

·   running water                                accept ‘hydro’ or ‘HEP’ or ‘water power’

·   tidal                                              do not accept ‘water’

·   waves

accept ‘nuclear’ or ‘uranium’



17.     (a)     they reflect or scatter light                  accept ‘light reflects off it'                       1
                                                         or ‘light reflects on it’

do not accept ‘light reflects onto it' or ‘light shines on them'

         from the Sun                                                                                                      1

(b)     it goes into the shadow of the Earth     accept ‘it is eclipsed'                                1

or ‘it is not in the sunlight' or
‘it is no longer reflecting the sunlight'
accept ‘it goes into the shadow of the Moon' or ‘it goes in front of the Moon'
do not accept ‘it goes behind the Moon'
'the Moon gets in the way'
‘the satellite tumbles'

(c)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   weather forecasting

·   navigation or position finding

·   communications                             accept 'satellite TV' or 'TV'
                                                    or 'telephone' or 'radio'

·   astronomy or looking at the stars

·   to take pictures of the Earth           accept 'spying' or ‘surveillance' or ‘to see
                                                    changes in the environment or in land-use'

accept ‘for defence' or ‘as weapons'



18.     (a)     any one from                                                                                                     1

·   the test-tube is pointing away         accept ‘the test-tube is pointing away
from him                                       from the edge of the bench'
                                                    do not accept ‘the test-tube is at an angle'

·   he used a cork and a pin to             accept ‘he used a pin’ or ‘he is not holding
hold the burning crispbread             the crispbread' or ‘the cork is on the stand'

·   the test-tube is held in a clamp        accept ‘he used a clamp'
                                                    or ‘the test-tube is held tightly'

·   it is away from the edge of
the bench

·   the apparatus is arranged over        accept ‘the tube is over the base'
the base of the stand for stability   

do not accept ‘he is wearing goggles

(b)     any two from                                                                                                     2

·   use the same amount of water

·   use the same mass                        accept ‘use the same mass of food'
or weight of crisp                          do not accept ‘use the same amount of food'

·   the crisp must be the same distance
from the test tube as the crispbread was

·   start with water at the same temperature

·   shield both experiments from the draught

do not accept ‘use the same apparatus' or 'heat for the same amount of time'

(c)     The change in the temperature of        if more than one box is ticked,                 1
the water will be greater.                 award no mark

(d)     (i)      fibre is not digested                   accept ‘it is not absorbed'                        1
                                               or ‘it does not get broken down'
                                               do not accept ‘it is insoluble'

(ii)     any two from                                                                                            2

·   it contains less fat                accept ‘it is less fattening'
                                           or ‘it contains less energy'

·   it contains more fibre

·   it contains more protein        do not accept ‘more carbohydrate'

(e)     oranges                                           if more than one box is ticked,                 1
                                                         award no mark
