Radioactivity and atomic structure

Multiple choice questions

Each question below has five possible answers labelled A, B, C, D, E. For each numbered question select the one most appropriate answer. Within the group of questions each answer may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Questions 1-3  

A alpha particle     C gamma-radiation      E  proton  
B beta particle     D neutron  

Which one of the above is

1.   a hydrogen ion?    A B C D E

2.   an electron?      

3.   a helium nucleus? A B C D E

Questions 4 and 5 - Five types of radiation are listed below.  

A alpha radiation   C  ultrasonic radiation       E  gamma radiation  
B beta radiation   D  X-radiation

Select the type of radiation to which each of the following applies.

4.   It is emitted from the nuclei of some heavier radioactive atoms, and each particle in the radiation has a mass much less than that of a hydrogen atom.


5.   It is emitted from some metal targets when they are bombarded by high speed electrons.


6.   The atomic mass of an element indicates the number of

A protons in the nucleus.

B neutrons in the nucleus.

C protons plus neutrons in the nucleus.

D electrons in the nucleus.

E neutrons plus electrons in the nucleus.


7.   The atoms of isotopes of a given element contain

A the same number of protons and neutrons, but a different number of electrons.

B the same number of electrons and of protons, but a different number of neutrons.

C the same number of neutrons and of electrons, but a different number of protons.

D the same number of neutrons, but a different number of protons and of electrons.

E the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons and of electrons.


8.   Two atoms are said to be isotopes if they are

A atoms of the same element and have the same mass.

B atoms of the same element but have different masses.

C atoms of different elements but have the same mass.

D atoms of different elements and have different masses.

E identical atoms.


9.   Atoms of one type of silicon have 14 protons, 16 neutrons and 14 electrons. The atoms of another type of silicon could have

A 14 protons, 15 neutrons, 15 electrons.

B 14 protons, 15 neutrons, 14 electrons.

C 15 protons, 16 neutrons, 14 electrons.

D 15 protons, 16 neutrons, 15 electrons.

E 15 protons, 15 neutrons, 14 electrons.


10.   Which one of the following statements about alpha and beta particles is correct?

A They carry the same charge.

B Each alpha particle has four times the mass of a beta particle.

C Alpha particles have a larger range in air than beta particles.

D Alpha particles cause ionisation, beta particles do not.

E When in motion, they are deflected in opposite directions by a magnetic field.


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