About us
The author is a Physics teacher working internationally and cannot always respond to questions and comments until a break in teaching. The Physics databases are reasonably up to date. The Chemistry and Biology databases link to questions that have not yet been 'tagged' with a relevant topic or keyword. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments and I will try to get back to you asap.
Exam Databases
Many of the links point to exam databases.
These are links to past paper questions and their answers that have been grouped
into topics and keywords. There are links to multiple choice questions (MCQ -
which are self marking) and also to structured questions (the ones you write on)
- there is an "open print friendly page" button if you want the page cleaned up ready to print to paper or pdf. To check your
answers you click the button marked "view examiners mark scheme".
Some databases are more complete than others. The Physics ones are fairly
good. The Maths one is growing. The Chemistry and Biology ones need
topics and keywords assigning - something I never have time for. If you
want to offer to help please get in touch by sending me a comment via
this link. On a good day I am also prepared to help answer questions and solve problems for students - it really does depend on how busy I am.
The databases have also been designed with teachers in mind. Each database
has links at the bottom. The most useful ones are:
[rand] - the database will find around 20 random questions from the database - this number can be altered if you change the ran=20 part of the hyperlink to another number (min 5 & max 100 if it can find them)
[build] - puts the database into 'test building' mode - questions can be selected by ticking the Build checkbox and then click Collect at the bottom. You can repeat this with different topic or keyword search until the test has been built up. The link to this test is a greyed out hyperlink that looks something like this ?q=497,3148 - which are the unique ids of all the questions you selected. This link can be book-marked or sent out if you want to do the same test another time.
[most difficult] - this is an experimental mode for the MCQ databases which after clicking should try to rank questions that have a difficulty index, DI set. To use it click the [most difficult] link and then try your search. A very low DI percentage means that only a small percentage of students who did that question got it correct.
[ans] is for my use as a teacher. I input a password and it allows me to create tests that then lists the answers or mark schemes after the questions without all the multiple choice or mark scheme buttons. No I'm not saying what the password is - it would wreck the database for student use. If you know me well enough you could figure it out.
The databases now have a sign-up procedure before they can be used. Please contact me if it causes problems. The reasons for the sign-up are:
after successful free registration, questions that you have clicked on are stored under your username. This should then hide any questions that you have done from the next time you visit. It means you don't keeping getting the same questions time and again.
I am curious if anyone is finding this site useful and the sign-up helps to monitor usage.
If you have any comments or suggestions for this site then please send me a question or comment.