8D Quick Quiz

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1       The five groups of vertebrates are:

A       chickens, dolphins, eagles, turtles.

B       mammals, reptiles, penguins, worms, bacteria.

C       amphibians, birds, reptiles, mammals, fish.

D       fish, amphibians, mammals, snakes, insects.


2       All arthropods have:

A       four legs and two eyes.

B       bodies divided into five sections.

C       jointed legs.

D       a ‘fleshy pad’.


3       Seeds are:

A       made by flowering plants and conifers.

B       made by certain kinds of animal.

C       only found in apples.

D       made by excretion.


4       Plants can move water to their leaves in:

A       straw vessels.                 B       xylem vessels.

C       dermatic vessels.             D      leaf vessels.



1       Which three things are all physical environmental factors?

A       light intensity, temperature and oxygen concentration

B       number of predators, temperature and food supply

C       number of plants, number of predators and number of prey organisms

D       number of dead organisms, temperature and oxygen concentration


2       Which sampling technique would you use to find small animals in leaf litter or in a soil sample?

A       pond dipping

B       tree beating

C       a sweepnet

D       a Tullgren funnel


3       A garden measures 10 m by 5 m. A 1 m2 sample is taken and found to contain two dandelion plants. What would you estimate the population of dandelion plants to be in the garden?

A       2                 B       45                        C       50                         D      100


4       What is a person who studies habitats called?

A       a lumberjack                   B       an ecologist

C       an echinoderm                D      a physicist



1       What is this piece of equipment called?

A       a pooter                    

B       a shooter

C       a sweepnet                

D       a Tullgren funnel


2       Use the key to work out what bird this is.

A       European jay                  B       kite

C       puffin                              D      wood duck






3       Some smaller plants that grow in woods have big leaves. This is because:

A       there is not much light and bigger leaves can trap more light.

B       they need to provide shelter from the rain for small animals.

C       less rain gets through the trees and the big leaves help to absorb more rainwater.

D       they have got more room to spread out.


4       Here is a list of things found in a particular habitat.


         blackbird        rotting log        snail        bracken plant        rock        tree


          Which of these things form a community?

A       the rock and the rotting log

B       the rock, the log, the bird and the snail

C       the bird, the snail, the bracken plant and the tree

D       all of them



1       What does the word ‘distribution’ mean?

A       Where organisms are found in a habitat.

B       The total number of organisms living in a habitat.

C       The different species that live in a habitat.

D       The different tribes that live in a habitat.


2       Which of these things do plants compete for?


         oxygen        water        heat        light


A       all of them                       B       only oxygen

C       oxygen and heat              D      water and light


3       Which of these things will not cause the number of rabbits in a population to decrease?

A       There are more lettuces for rabbits to eat.

B       More rabbits are eaten by foxes.

C       Less rabbits produce offspring.

D       More rabbits catch a fatal disease.


4       Three resources that a species of rabbits needs to survive are:

A       food, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

B       food, water and a mate.

C       water, light and carbon dioxide.

D       oxygen, carbon dioxide and shelter.



1       Which of the following is a producer?

A       blue tit                            B       cow

C       mushroom                      D      rose bush


2       In science, what is a ‘consumer’?

A       Someone who watches Watchdog on television.

B       An animal that eats other organisms.

C       A plant that does not need to eat anything.

D       A plant that starts a food chain.


3       This diagram shows the number of organisms in a food chain. Which of the following food chains does it represent?


















A       grass ® rabbit ® fox

B       grass ® sheep ® tick

C       oak tree ® caterpillar Ć bird

D       lettuce ® slug ® bird


4       The numbers of organisms in a food chain can be shown using:

A       a number chart.

B       a triangle of numbers.

C       a pyramid of numbers.

D       a square of numbers.